Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Elements and Principles of Graphic Design

you can see the softness of this image. -Line Helped to shape 3D Designs. Lines are used to divide space, direct the eye, and create forms. At the most basic level, straight lines are found in layouts to separate content, such as in magazine, newspaper, and website designs. This can of course go much further, with curved, dotted, and zigzag lines used as the defining elements on a page and as the basis for illustrations and graphics. Often, lines will be implied, meaning other elements of design will follow the path of line, such as type on a curve-Shape They are a design that you can make. they mean different things.
-Mass Size does matter.
you can see how there is some size to the lines and image. -Texture the feel or shape or kind of look it has. 

you can see the depth and shadows of this logo.

color is what makes this heart uniqe. you can see how it makes the heart pop out of the picture.


-Balance making sure its even or not.
-ProximityLearn how to arrange elements on the page through proximity -- keeping like items together and creating unity by how close or far apart elements are from each other. Observe a group of people in a room. You can often learn a lot about who is listening intently to another person, which are strangers, or who is ignoring who by how close together they sit or stand. In design, proximity or closeness creates a bond between people and between elements on a page. How close together or far apart elements are placed suggests a relationship (or lack of) between otherwise disparate parts. Unity is also achieved by using a third element to connect distant parts.

-Alignmen repitition is the occouring of the same object
-Contrast the image of the picture 
-White Space air space

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